According to the JWs everyone on this site is going be baggage left at the airport right along with gay people and anyone else who doesn't agree with them. They are equal opportunity paradise barring people.
See you all at the baggage claim 🍻
homophobia (
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
can someone tell me, specifically, was homophobic about the new "anti-gay" wt video.
According to the JWs everyone on this site is going be baggage left at the airport right along with gay people and anyone else who doesn't agree with them. They are equal opportunity paradise barring people.
See you all at the baggage claim 🍻
homophobia (
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
can someone tell me, specifically, was homophobic about the new "anti-gay" wt video.
I think the video is ridiculous and hope they get a lot of bad publicity out of it.
But I think I see what some are trying to say. When a baker doesn't make a cake for a gay couple it is discriminatory. The cake is tangible and has been made for many straight couples. Therefore it should be available to anyone who wants a cake.
Paradise is a made up place, that you get to with (ever changing) made up rules. And no one can ever prove that a straight person made it to paradise and a gay person did not.
So it's not okay to discriminate in real world situations, but we can all have whatever made up rules, affecting made up places we want.
Do I have the argument right? Just trying to understand,not trying to start a shit-storm.
leaving the religion can be likened to a game of poker.
many possible scenarios can be played out during the game and the potential loss or gains are many:.
you have put too many chips in, every round it just seems you will win it all in the end.
I folded and couldnt be happier, as I bought in at another table and am still winning big 😀.
i love having the freedom to do what I want, try what I want, and make mistakes.
howdy guys!
this is our latest video on the jw broadcast in short form.
we talk about jw marriage challenges.
Thank you Alive- I was just typing something similar. We each have our own unique experiences and perspectives. Each hall was different - each persons family was different - each perspective is different.
i know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
i know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
I think the video is nuts but I am loving the bad press. Let's see how they spin this. The funny thing is I talked to my still in parents about gay marriage a while back and they were so proud of the witnesses because they don't make public statements to get involved in the LGBT issues. Lol - they're in the middle of it now!
Its nice when their own propaganda gets them.
Love people for who they are. It's so much easier to just love everyone.
As for homeschooling - I knew kids who were homeschooled and it was a joke. I had one as a roommate in my early twenties. Didn't know basic geography or other elementary level subjects. She was at such a huge disadvantage.
the extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
This kind of crap is just them trying to judge others as less worthy of God. I have met some really wonderful people who happen to be gay. I was just visiting with a lesbian couple I know tonight and one of them has Mormon family that are giving her a really hard time right now. Why can't they just love other people the way they are. It's so sad.